Clitoris, Catharsis, Clitenmestra

Malga Kubiak
Sweden / Poland 2024, 123

7/06 Friday | 16:30 sala 6 PRZYSZŁOŚĆ

The wind in her sails is erotism; empowered by emotions and led by lust, Malga Kubiak has worked with film for 41 years. In her latest documentary “Clitoris, Catharsis, Clitemnestra”, she shows excerpts from her first festival films alongside her newest output. She invites us to the backstage and unveils her techniques. Her topic is postporn, poetry and the prose of life, including violence – the latter however leads to striking fear of war and merciless tyrants who threaten our freedom and sexual expression. (Text: LGBT+ Film Festival)


Desire, masturbation, rage, war fear, no_fear. Nature_surviving. 

Film Festivals curators debating. 

Excerpts of works of Antti_Gonna & Malga Kubiak. 

Ukrainian film director Antti_Gonna reporting on Her experience of Ukrainian war.

Malga’s You tube’s retrospections. 

Excerpts of OMS.

Antti_Gonna, Malga Kubiak Blow Job Poetry.

Lesbian Tender True Love Biczysko & Kola.

Water. (Malga Kubiak)


We are showing the film courtesy of the LGBT+ Film Festival

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