(short films program) 74’
7/06 Friday | 19:30 sala 2 ROZWÓJ
8/06 Saturday | 13:00 sala 1 KULTURA
9/06 Sunday | 18:00 sala 5 HISTORIA
Female pleasure has long ceased to be considered taboo, although for a long time in a patriarchal system our right to experience it seemed debatable, and sometimes, unfortunately, it still is. Films in this section, however, focus on those forms of female pleasure that are still untamed – they haven’t yet found their way into the mainstream culture and resisted being pigeonholed into safe categories. Perhaps because of this, they have also not been appropriated by the male portion of society. Openly communicating one’s needs (“Love”), taking pride in what and who we are (“Anxiety”) and, finally, secret, communal practices (“Maman”, “Masturbation(s)”) are just some conspiratorial – and therefore still far beyond the margins of visibility – narratives. Importantly, this selection offers an intersection of narratives told from various, not only female, points of view. It seems to us that confining ourselves to outdated binary categories no longer contributes anything new to a discourse that should belong to all of us.
Natalia Sara Skorupa
Poland 2024, 3’
Yana Katliarova
Poland / Belarus 2024, 2’
Oscar Lopera
Venezuela 2022, 14’
„Friendly reminder”
Luna Timnis
Austria 2023, 1’
Pau Devolar
Spain 2023, 2’
Le PornProcess 3
Belgium 2023, 16’
Lola Pistola
Spain 2023, 5’
„I’m not mothering sick motherfuckers”
Pussy Willow
Poland 2024, 1’
KAy Garnellen
Germany / France 2017, 4’
First person plural
Marc Blackie
UK 2013, 6’
Four Chambers
UK 2023, 20’
W Kinotece jest dostępny schodołaz umożliwiający dotarcie osobom poruszającym się na wózkach do sal: 1 KULTURA oraz 2 ROZWÓJ. Schodołaz nie jest w stanie dostać się do małych sal 5 HISTORIA i 6 PRZYSZŁOŚĆ na pierwszym piętrze.
Łączny udźwig schodołaza to 150 kg. Prosimy o sprawdzenie czy waga wózka wraz z osobą nie jest większa. Podjazd od wejścia głównego Kinoteki – poziom 0 – wejście przy windzie.
Prosimy również o kontakt telefoniczny (nr. 531 571 040) z kierownikiem_czką kina, który_a będzie koordynował_a transport osoby.
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