
“Post P_rn Arts Fest – Resistance. Visibility. Pleasure.” is already on the horizon: 05 – 09 June we are meeting at Kinoteka!!!

Yet, you are already cordially invited to join us for two pre-festival screenings (May 07 and 21), during which you will have_a unique opportunity to get acquainted with this year’s festival films!!! We want to awaken your senses, boost new ideas and, above all, show you what you can expect from PPAF and what theme areas will be our direction of this year’s journey.
We don’t have to assure you that it is going to be exciting, do we?


  1. “Adonia” Iztok Klančar and Belle Dommage, Holandia 2021-2023
  2. “it’s never one-sided” Kiki Kazimi, Holandia 2023
  3. “Anxiety (Ansiedad)” Lola Pistola, Hiszpania 2023
  4. “EMPIRE (IMPERIO)” Thaís de Almeida Prado, Brazylia 2023
  5. Giant oddly shaped object from space (Wielki kosmiczny obiekt o dziwnym kształcie) Kuba Tschierse, Polska 2024
  6. “The third world after the sun (El tercer mundo después del sol)” Analú Laferal & Tiagx Vélez, Kolumbia 2024
  7. “Cinema Fetish” Morgana Mayer, Włochy 2023
  8. “Heavy Load” Juan Saez, Niemcy 2023
  9. “Piedad” Naya (The Outdoor Cat), Niemcy 2018


After the screening we invite you to a meeting with PPAF curators.

The screening is open to people 18+.

Link to tickets:…/ppaf-2024-pierwszy-pokaz…/

Facebook event link:

Can’t wait to see you!!!


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